How does a kitesurfing bar work?
First of all, we recommend that anyone take kitesurfing lessons before starting to practice on their own. Kitesurfing can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. If you still have doubts about how a bar works, we suggest you take a few more lessons to be sure. If you're just looking for more detailed information about kite bars, keep reading.
One kite bar is designed to control your kite. When we talk about a bar, we usually refer to the bar along with all the lines. These bars can withstand enormous forces and are designed to transfer all the power of the kite to the rider. The kitesurfing bar consists of a control bar, steering lines, power lines, depower system, chicken loop, quick release system, "V" split, safety line, and depower line.
Each brand has its own characteristics, materials, and line lengths, but in general, they all work similarly. The two shipping lines are located at the back of the kite and are directly connected to the bar. By shortening one line in relation to the other, the kite will move to that side. For example, if you pull the left side of the bar, the kite will move to the left, and if you pull the right side, the kite will move to the right. Simple, right? However, make sure to move the kite back in time, as if you continue to steer it to one side, the kite will make a kiteloop, a very powerful maneuver. The forces of the kite are transmitted through the power lines towards the kitesurfer, and these lines go from the center of the bar to the harness.
Power / Depower
An important feature of a bar is the ability to increase or decrease the power from the kite. This allows you to control the amount of power. By pulling the bar towards you, the steering lines gain tension, tilting the kite to catch more wind, which generates more power. This is called "power". If you need less power, push the bar away from you, allowing the steering lines to have more slack and the wind to exit the kite, reducing the power. This is called "depower". If you make a steering mistake or have a fall, the best thing to do is to let go of the bar. In most cases, you will be safe.
Almost all the bars have a depower system, which allows you to adjust the overall power of the kite while sailing. This system works through a "clamcleat" on the power lines. By shortening or lengthening this line, you can increase or decrease the power. For example, if the wind suddenly becomes stronger, you can reduce the power of the kite through the depower system.
Do I need a different bar for each kite?
Normally, you don't need a separate bar for each kite. For example, if you have three kites, two bars are usually sufficient. Make sure the bar is the right size for the kite you are using. It is also important to know that not all bars are compatible with all kites. If you have several kites of the same brand or type, you will probably be able to use the same bar for all of them, which will save you money. However, the wear on the bar will be greater.
What size of bar do I need?
Kite bars come in different sizes and types. It is important to choose the right width for your kite. If you have a large kite, you will need a large bar, and if you have a small kite, it is better to use a small bar. This is because a larger bar has a greater turning radius than a smaller bar. If you use a small kite with a large bar, the kite will turn too quickly, making it difficult to control. An average bar measures 52 cm in width. For a small kite, around 7m, a 44 cm bar would be ideal. For kites of 12m or larger, a bar larger than 52 cm is recommended. Most bars allow you to adjust their width, so you can adapt it if you change kites.
What effect do different line lengths have on the flight behavior of your kite?
The length of the lines also affects the flight behavior of the kite. A longer line increases the kite's wind window, providing better performance in low wind conditions. By shortening the lines, the kite becomes more direct and aggressive, ideal for freestyle kiters who enjoy the kiteloopsFor example, the standard length of the lines is approximately 24 meters, but freestyle kiters like Ruben Lenten often use 20-meter lines for a more agile character. For most freeriders, 24 meters is sufficient.
Can a broken line be repaired or do I need to buy a new one?
Sooner or later, most kitesurfers will break a line. Don't worry, lines can be easily replaced. If this happens, it may be a sign that the bar has lost durability and, in some cases, it is necessary to replace the entire bar. If the bar is still in good condition, you can simply replace the broken line. Normally, lines are replaced in pairs. For example, if a power line breaks, two new ones are installed to ensure that the lines are properly aligned.
How are the lines connected to the kite?
The lines of the bar connect to the kite's bridles using pigtails. A special knot called "cat's claw" is used. On one side there is a knot and on the other side a loop. When the loop is passed over the knot, it is secured tightly. When the kite generates power, the lines become even tighter. If you don't remember how to do it or are unsure if you did it correctly, you can always call us or send us a photo of your lines, and we will help you do it right.
I have a knot in my line, what should I do?
At first glance, a knot may not seem serious, but it is a major weakness in the line. It is important to remove the knot before entering the water. One way to loosen the knot is to gently bite the line to give it space and eventually undo it. If you prefer not to do it yourself, you can always bring or send the rod for us to check and fix it.
What are kite lines made of?
Kitesurf lines are usually made of Dyneema, a very resistant material whose main component is polyethylene, one of the most widely used plastics. The good thing about Dyneema lines is that they float on water, are water-resistant, and are even stronger than steel. Most lines can withstand between 300 and 500 kg. The power lines they tend to be a little thicker because they withstand greater tension. Over time, the quality of the lines may decrease, so it is important to check them periodically to ensure that they do not have weak points and replace them in time to avoid accidents.