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Legal Notice


    I can guarantee you what you you find in one space 100 % seguro, for hello, giving compliance with the duty of information gathered in item 10 of the Law 34/2002, of 11 of julio, of Services of the Society of the Information and of Commerce Electrónico, a continuation be makes constar:


    The access and/or use of this site web attribute the condition of USER, what accepts, from said access and/or use, the gifts terms of use, no obstante, for the grouper use of the page web no means the home of relationship work/commercial some.

    Use of site web and capture of information:


    The page web forward (THE WEB) provides access to articles, information, services, and data (in adelante, “the contents”) property of SURFOON RETAIL S.L., The USER assumes responsibility for the use of the website.

    The USER be commits a to do one use suitable of the contents what offers a through of your web and with character declarative but no limitativo, a no employ them for:

    (a) incur in illegal, unlawful, or contrary to good faith and public order activities;

    (b) disseminate content or propaganda of a racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal nature, advocating terrorism or infringing on human rights;

    (c) cause damage to the physical and logical systems of /, its suppliers or third parties, introduce or spread computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that may cause the aforementioned damages;

    (d) attempt to access and, if applicable, use other users' email accounts and modify or manipulate their messages.

    SURFOON RETAIL S.L. be reservation the law of remove all those comments and contributions what vulnerate the respect a the dignity of the persona, what sean discriminatory, xenófobos, racistas, pornographic, what attend against the youth o the infancia, the order o the security public o what, a your juicio, no will result suitable for your publicación.

    In any case, SURFOON RETAIL S.L. no will be responsible of the reviews spills for the users a through of blog u others tools of participation what can crearse, in accordance a the foreseen in the regulations of aplicación.

    1.4.2 Capture of information

    Form of contact, where the USER must fill the field of email electrónico, subject and name.

    Form of subscription, filling the USER the fields necessary for the acquisition of course with the fields of name, apellidos, address, city, país, estado, code postal, email and contraseña.

    Cookies of rastreo, in accordance a the next reglas.

    Navigation and Address IP: To navigate for this web, the user facilitates of shape automatic to server of the web information relative a you address IP, date and hour of access, the hyperlink what the ha forwarded a éstas, you system operational and the browser utilizado.

    A weigh of the anterior, the users they will be able to to give oneself of low in any moment of the services loaned for SURFOON RETAIL S.L. o data contributed for the USER giving compliance a the regulations valid about Protection of Data. Asimismo, so much to subscribe a this page web how to to carry out some comment in anyone of your pages and/or entradas, the user consiente:

    The treatment of sus data personal in the environment of WordPress in accordance a sus policies of privacy.

    The access of SURFOON RETAIL S.L. a the data what, of agreement with the infrastructure of WordPress, I need the user contribute good for the subscription to course good for any query by means of the form of contacto.

    Asimismo, we inform what the information of our users is protected of agreement a our policy of privacy.

    To activate one suscripción, form of contacto o comentario, the user understand and acepta what:

    From the moment in what effectuates your suscripción o access a some service of pago, SURFOON RETAIL S.L. has access

    a: Nombre, and email, o others data necessary for billing shaping one file duly registered in the Registration General of the Agency Española of Protection of Datos with the name of “USUARIOS DE THE WEB Y SUBSCRIBERS o in the case of to carry out alguna compra, will be subscribed to file of “CLIENTES AND/OR PROVEEDORES” having access a data of nombre, apellidos, email, dni and address completo.

    In everything case SURFOON RETAIL S.L. be reservation the law of modify, in any moment and without need of previous notice, the presentation and configuration of the web the present notice legal.


    SURFOON RETAIL S.L. for yes o how cesionario, is headline of all the rights of property intellectual e industrial of your page web, thus how of the elements contents in the same (a title enunciativo, imágenes, sonido, audio, vídeo, software o texts; brands o logotipos, combinations of colores, structure and diseño, selection of materials usados, programs of computer necessary for your functioning, access and use, etc.), owned by SURFOON RETAIL S.L. or its licensors. All rights reserved.

    Any uso no authorized previously for SURFOON RETAIL S.L., will be considered one breach serious of the rights of property intellectual o industrial of autor.

    Remaining expressly prohibited the reproduction, the distribution and the communication pública, included your modality of put a disposition, of the totality o part of the contents of this page web, with ends comerciales, in any support and for any half técnico, without the authorization of SURFOON RETAIL S.L..

    The USER be commits a respect the rights of Property Intellectual e Industrial ownership of SURFOON RETAIL S.L., Will be able to visualize only the elements of the web without possibility of imprimirlos, copy them o store them in the disk hard of your computer o in any another support físico. The USER must abstain of suppress, alterar, evade o manipulate any device of protection o system of security what was installed in the pages of SURFOON RETAIL S.L.

    Stay decisively forbidden share the license for uso with more people, each license is personal e non-transferable reserving ourselves how many actions civilians and penalties us assistant in aras of safeguard our derechos, everything ello low warning of incur in one crime against the property intellectual of art. 270 and ss of Code Penal with penalties of prison of until 4 años.


    SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. no be makes responsible, in none caso, of the damages and damages of any nature what could ocasionar, a title enunciativo: for errors u omissions in the contents, for missing of availability of site web, the which will carry out stops periodicals for maintenance technicians thus how for the transmission of virus o programs malicious o harmful in the contents, a weigh of to have adopted all the measurements technological necessary for evitarlo.


    SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. be reservation the right of to carry out without previous notice the modifications what consider timely in your web, being able cambiar, suprimir o add so much the contents and services what be lend a through of the same how the shape in the what these appear presented o located in your web.


    The personas o entities what pretend to carry out o carry out one hyperlink from one page web of another portal of Internet a the web of SURFOON RETAIL S.L.., must submit the next conditions:

    No be allows the reproduction total o partial of none of the services neither contents of site web without the previous authorization express of SURFOON RETAIL S.L..

    No be will establish deep-links neither links IMG o of imagen, neither frames with the web of SURFOON RETAIL S.L.., without your previous authorization express.

    No be establish none manifestation falsa, inaccurate o incorrect about the web of SURFOON RETAIL S.L.., neither about the services o contents of the misma. Safe those signs what forms part of hyperlink, the page web in the what be establish no will contain none marca, nombre comercial, label of establishment, denomination, logotipo, slogan u others signs distinctives belonging a SURFOON RETAIL S.L.., safe authorization expresa of éste.

    The establishment of hyperlink no imply the existence of relationships between SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. and the headline of the page web o of portal from the which be I made, neither the knowledge and acceptance of SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. of the services and contenidos offered in said page web o portal.

    SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. no will be responsable of the contenidos o services positions a disposition of public in the page web o portal from the which be realice the hyperlink, neither of the information and manifestations included in the same.The site web of SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. can put a disposition of user connections and links a others sites web managed and controlled for third parties. Sayings links they have how exclusive function, the of facilitate a the users the search of information, contenidos and services in Internet, without what in none caso can to consider oneself one sugerencia, recommendation o invitation for the visit of the same.

    SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. no markets, neither dirige, neither control previamente, neither makes own the contenidos, services, information and manifestations available in sayings sites web.

    SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. no assume none type of responsibility, neither at least of shape indirect o subsidiaria, for the damages and damages of all class what could to derive of acceso, maintenance, uso, calidad, licitud, reliability and utility of the contenidos, information, communications, opiniones, manifestations, products and services existing u offered in the sites web no managed for SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. and what resulting accessible a through of SURFOON RETAIL S.L..


    SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. be reservation the right a deny o remove the acceso to portal and/or the services offered without need of preaviso, a instance own o of one tercero, a those users what they fail the gifts Conditions General of Uso.


    SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. will pursue the breach of the gifts conditions thus how any usage undue of your web exercising all the actions civilians and penalties what the can correspond in right.


    SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. will be able to modify in any moment the conditions here determined, being duly published how here aparecen. The validity of the cited conditions will go in función of your exhibition and will be valid until what sean modified for others duly publicadas.


    SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. inform what exist leaves of claim a disposición of users and customers being able to refer one email a indicating your nombre and apellidos, the service o product acquired and exposing the reasons of your claim.

    Also can to direct your reclamación for email postal directed a: SURFOON RETAIL S.L.., Street Felip II, 289, INT. 10, 08016 Barcelona.


    The relationship between SURFOON RETAIL S.L.. and the USUARIO be will govern for the regulations española valid and any controversy be will submit a the Courts and courts of the ciudad of Barcelona, safe what the Law applicable dispose another cosa.




    1) Subscription forms for content: within the website there are several forms to activate the subscription managed by Getresponse for the purpose of sending email marketing campaigns, managing subscriptions, and sending newsletters or news.

    2) Comment form: The website includes a form whose purpose is to comment on the articles and express opinions while respecting freedom of expression. The user will be able to publish comments on the posts that are published. The personal data entered in the form to insert these comments will be used exclusively to moderate and publish them, also collecting this data which will be stored on Webempresa's servers.

    3) Contact form: There is a contact form whose purpose is to respond to inquiries, suggestions, or professional contact. In this case, the email address will be used to respond to them and send the information that the user requires through the web; this data will be stored on the servers of Webempresa and Getresponse.

    4) Cookies: When the user registers or browses this website, "cookies" are stored. The user can consult the cookie policy at any time for more information about the use of cookies and how to disable them.

    5) Sale of infoproducts: Through the website, infoproducts can be purchased, in this case, buyer information is required (Nombre, apellido, dirección and e-mail) through the ThriveCart platform.

    6Users will be able to unsubscribe at any time from the services provided by directly from the Newsletter through a cancellation form.

    7) Tracking systems used on this site: Google (Analytics), on user preferences, demographic characteristics, traffic patterns, and other information are also studied together to better understand who makes up their audience and what it needs. Tracking our users' preferences also helps us show them the most relevant advertisements.

    Asimismo, me would like inform you what for the capture of subscribers and customers I use Facebook Ads for the que to generate one anuncio, be can segment the public for the lugar, data demographics, intereses, etc for the que the data obtained for this plataforma, they would be subjects a this policy of privacidad from the moment in que the user leave sus data for join to newsletter of my comunidad.

    No I go a share, vender, rent you information personal with others partes. I can compartir certain información with the suppliers of services of terceros authorized necessary for to lend some servicios.


    In our page web you we offer links and servicios related with the different networks social ( e.g. “Me gusta” of Facebook). If you are a member of a social network and click on the corresponding link, the social network provider may link your profile data with the information from your visit to that website.

    For tanto, es convenient inform you about the functions and policies about the treatment of data personal of the respective red social, yes access a one of our pages web with some of your profiles in networks social o shares información a through of ellos.

    You can access in everything moment a the policies of privacidad of the different networks social, thus how configure you profile for guarantee your privacidad. Us we encourage a to familiarize oneself with the conditions of uso of said networks sociales before of start a usarlas:

    Facebook: I'm sorry, but I can't access external links. However, if you provide the text you want translated, I'd be happy to help!




    The User declare to have been informed of the condiciones about protection of data of character personal, accepting and consenting the treatment of the mismos for part of SURFOON RETAIL S.L. in the shape and for the purposes indicated in the aviso legal.

    How good you know and the we have announcement a the long of the gifts policies of privacidad, in any moment will be able to revoke sus datos, but always without character retroactivo.


    SURFOON RETAIL S.L. be reservation the derecho a modificar the present policy para adapt it a new arrivals legislative o jurisprudential thus how a practices of the industria. In sayings supuestos, el Provider will announce en this page los changes introduced with reasonable advance a your put en práctica.