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Basic Surfskate Tricks and Maneuvers

by Josep 15 Aug 2023
Trucos y maniobras básicas de Surfskate

The surfskate is a variant of skateboarding that simulates the feeling of surfing on water, but on land.

It is specifically designed to spin and pump, allowing the rider to generate speed without having to put their foot on the ground.

Improve your Surf with these Surfskate Tutorials

If you are looking for tricks or tips to improve your surfskate skills, here are some:

  1. Basics of positioning:
    • FeetKeep your feet shoulder-width apart, with the front foot near the front screws and the back foot on or near the tail.
    • Knees: Keep your knees slightly bent. This will help you maintain balance and make smoother turns.

Surfskate maneuvers: Frontside spin

The frontside turn in surfskate refers to turning with the front of your body facing towards the center of the turn. It is one of the most basic yet essential maneuvers to master in surfskate, as it forms the foundation for many other tricks and techniques. Here is a step-by-step guide to executing a frontside turn:

  1. Initial position:
    • Place your feet in a comfortable position: the front foot near the front screws and the back foot on or near the tail.
    • Keep your knees slightly bent and your body relaxed.
  2. Approach to the business:
    • Start pumping or gain some speed before attempting the turn.
    • While you approach the point where you want to turn, start shifting your weight towards the front of the board.
  3. Start of the turn:
    • Rotate your head and shoulders in the direction you want to turn (in this case, so that your chest is facing towards the center of the turn).
    • When you move your head and shoulders, your hips and legs will naturally follow the movement.
  4. Execution of the turn:
    • Incline the table towards the inside of the turn by applying more pressure with your feet.
    • Keep your center of gravity low by bending your knees a little more for greater stability.
    • Use your arms to help balance and direct the turn. Extend the front arm towards the center of the turn and the back arm in the opposite direction, similar to how you would when surfing.
  5. Completion of the turn:
    • As you complete the turn, realign your shoulders with the board and redistribute your weight evenly between both feet.
    • Prepare to continue pumping or to perform the next maneuver.

Additional tips:

  • Practice first in an open area without obstacles so that you have enough space to turn.
  • Observe other riders or watch videos to better understand the mechanics and flow of movement.
  • As you become more comfortable with the frontside turn, you can try doing it with more speed or on steeper slopes to challenge yourself.
  • Remember to always use the appropriate protective equipment, especially if you are learning.

Backside Turn with the SurfSkate

The backside turn in surfskate is when you turn with the back of your body facing towards the center of the turn. It is the opposite of the frontside turn and is another of the fundamental maneuvers in surfskate. Below, I will detail how to perform a backside turn:

  1. Initial position:
    • Your feet should be in a comfortable position: the front foot near the front screws and the back foot on or near the tail.
    • Keep your knees slightly bent and your body relaxed.
  2. Approach to the business:
    • Start pumping or gain some speed before attempting the turn.
    • Anticipate the turn by slightly shifting your weight towards the front of the board.
  3. Start of the turn:
    • Turn your head and shoulders in the direction you want to turn, but this time your back will be facing the center of the turn.
    • Your hips and legs will naturally follow the movement of your shoulders.
  4. Execution of the turn:
    • Tilt the table inward during the turn by applying more pressure with your feet.
    • Keep your center of gravity low by bending your knees a little more for greater stability during the turn.
    • Use your arms to help you maintain balance. You can extend the front arm in the opposite direction of the turn and the back arm towards the center of the turn.
  5. Completion of the turn:
    • Once you have completed the turn, align your shoulders with the board and redistribute your weight evenly between both feet.
    • Prepare to continue pumping or for the next maneuver.

Additional tips:

  • Just like with the frontside turn, it is helpful to practice first in an open space to have enough room to move and turn.
  • Seeing other riders or watching videos can help you better understand the mechanics of the backside turn.
  • As you become familiar with the maneuver, you can try to perform the turn with more speed or on inclined surfaces to challenge yourself further.
  • Always it is advisable to use protective equipment, such as a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards, especially if you are learning a new maneuver.

With practice and perseverance, the backside turn will become an intuitive and fluid maneuver for you in surfskating. Keep practicing and enjoying the ride!

Other surfskate maneuvers

PumpIt is the basic surfskate technique to generate speed. It consists of rotating the hips and shoulders alternately, shifting the weight from one side to the other of the surfskate.

Tight Carving: Similar to pumping, but with tighter turns. Try leaning more and turning your hips and shoulders with greater intensity.

Slide or Drift: You can practice controlled drifts, similar to how it's done in surfing when making a cutback. This requires more speed and a strong weight transfer towards the tail while turning.

Kicktail tricks: Thanks to the pronounced tail of most surfskates, you can try tricks that involve lifting the front wheels, such as manuals or shuvits.

180-degree turn: Try to turn 180 degrees on the front or rear axis. To do this, quickly shift your weight towards the nose or the tail and turn your body in the desired direction.

Practice on different terrains: Although surfskating excels on flat surfaces, you can also try it in bowls or skateparks. This can help you improve your control and balance.

Use protection: It is always advisable to wear protective gear, such as a helmet, knee pads, elbow pads, and wrist guards, especially if you are just starting or practicing new tricks.

Observe and learn: Watch videos of professionals or other riders to get inspired and learn new techniques or tricks.

Practicing constantly: Like any skill, constant practice is key to improving in surfskate.

Remember that each person is different, so what works for one may not work for another. The most important thing is to find your own style and pace and enjoy the learning process.

Have fun and keep practicing!

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