Privacy Policy

I appreciate what you are in this page, that means what your data you importan, and do you want to know the destination of the same and who the pick up.

From conformity with the willing in the Regulations General (EU) Regarding Data Protection, by accepting this Privacy Policy you provide your informed, express, free, and unequivocal consent for the personal data you provide through the website I'm sorry, but I cannot access external websites. However, if you provide me with the text you would like to have translated, I can help with that! (in forward SITE WEB) be included in a file of "WEB USERS AND SUBSCRIBERS" as well as "CUSTOMERS AND/OR SUPPLIERS":

Everything hello duly registered before the agency Española of Protection of Data and regarding of what SURFOON RETAIL S.L. guarantees what be they have applied the measurements of security so much organizational how techniques required for the RGPD.

The present Policy of Privacy will be valid only for the data of character personal obtained in the Site Web, no being applicable for that information gathered for third parties in others pages web, even yes these be find linked for the Site Web.

With hello manifesto my commitment for maintain and guarantee the relationships commercials of shape security by means of the protection of the data personal and guaranteeing the right a the privacy of each one of the users of our site web.

One small approach is importante, for hello, you must to know what would be any information relative a one person what us facilitates when visit our site web, in our case name e email, and yes purchase some product needing factura, we will request Address completo, nombre, last names and ID o CIF.

Additionally, when visits our site web, determined information be store automatically for reasons technicians how the address IP assigned for your supplier of access a Internet.



Such and how be recoge in the regulations, be inform to USER what, a through of the forms of contacto, o subscriptions be they gather data, the which be store in one file, with the exclusive purpose of shipping of communications electronics, such how: newsletters (newsletters), new arrivals (posts), commercial offers, free webinars, as well as other communications that SURFOON RETAIL S.L. considers interesting for its USERS. The fields marked as mandatory are essential to achieve the stated purpose.

Likewise will be able to give compliance by means of the data, a the requirements requested for the USUARIOS.
In definitive the FINALIDAD is the next:

Sale of products of Regalos, Merchandising and Accesorios.

Only the headline will have access a his data, and low none concepto, these data will be cedidos, compartidos, transferred, neither sold a none third.

The acceptance of the policy of privacy, by means of the procedure established of dole opt-in, be will understand a all the effects how the benefit of CONSENT EXPRESS E UNEQUIVOCAL of USER to treatment of the data of character personal in the terms what be expose in the present documento, thus how a the transfer international of data what be produce, exclusively due to a the location física of the installations of the suppliers of services and in charge of treatment of data.

In none case be will carry out one use different what the purpose for the what they have been collected the data neither many less I will yield a one tercero these data.


In the assumed of to be greater of thirteen years, you will be able to register in I'm sorry, but I cannot access external websites. However, if you provide me with the text you would like to have translated, I can help with that! without need of consent previous of your parents o tutors.
¿Qué happens in the case of what seas minor of 14 años?

In this supuesto, will be condition mandatory the consent of your parents o tutores for what we can to treat his data personal

Advertencia: Yes you have less of fourteen años and no has obtained the consent of your padres, no you can register in the web for the what we will proceed a deny your request in case of to have certificate of hello.


Thank you to consent, we can to treat your data being requirement mandatory for power subscribe a the page web.

How good sabes, you can remove you consent in the moment what the desees.

The data collected in none moment are especially protegidos, if not what be find categorized how data identifiers.


I will keep your data during the time legally established o until what request eliminarlos.


Obviously you are the unique responsible of the truthfulness and accuracy of the data what me remittances exempting me of any type of responsibility to regarding.

How user, you must guarantee the accuracy and authenticity of the data personal provided owing contribute the information complete and correct in the different forms of capture of data.


SURFOON RETAIL S.L. until the date birthday with the guidelines of the Law Organic 15/1999 of 13 of December of Protection of Data of Character Personal, the Real Decree 1720/2007 of 21 of December for the what be approve the Regulations of development of said Law Organic and others regulations valid and of application in each moment, veiling for guarantee one correct use and treatment of the data personal of user.

A to split of may of 2018, us we will govern for the normativa what will enter in aplicación, being the Regulations General about Protection of Data (GDPR) of the European Union.

Asimismo, SURFOON RETAIL S.L. inform what give compliance a the Law 34/2002 of 11 of julio, of Services of the Society of the Information and the Commerce Electronic and the will request your consent to USER for the treatment of your email electronic with ends commercials in each moment.

In compliance of the established in the normativa, the we inform what the data supplied, thus how those data derivatives of your navegación, they will be able to to be stored in the files of SURFOON RETAIL S.L. and treaties for the purpose of attend your request and the maintenance of the relationship what be establish in the forms what suscriba.

Additionally, the USER consent the treatment of his data with the purpose of informarles, for any half, included the email electronic, of products and services of SURFOON RETAIL S.L.

In case of no authorize the treatment of his data with the purpose marked previously, the USER will be able to exercise your law of opposition to treatment of his data in the terms and conditions foreseen more forward in the section “Ejercicio of Derechos”.


SURFOON RETAIL S.L. the inform what has implanted the measurements of security of nature technique and organizational necessary for guarantee the security of sus data of character personal and avoid your alteración, loss and treatment and/or access no autorizado, had account of state of the tecnología, the nature of the datos stored and the risks a what are expuestos, already come from of the acción human o of half physical o natural. Everything ello of conformity with the foreseen in the RGPD.

Asimismo, SURFOON RETAIL S.L. ha established measurements additional in order a reinforce the confidentiality e integrity of the information in your organization. Maintaining continuously the supervisión, control and evaluation of the processes for ensure the respect a the privacy of the datos.


Those people physical what they have provided sus datos a through of I'm sorry, but I cannot access external websites. However, if you provide me with the text you would like to have translated, I can help with that!, they will be able to to address to headline of the same with the end of power exercise free of charge sus rights of access a sus datos, rectification o supresión, limitation and opposition respecto of the datos incorporated in sus files

The method more fast and simple would be accessing in you account of user directly and modify your datos o delete you account of user. Any information what we need almacenar, in virtue of one obligation legal o contractual, will be blocked and only used for sayings ends in place of to be borrada.

The interested will be able to exercise sus rights by means of communication for written directed a SURFOON RETAIL S.L. with the reference “Protection of datos”, specifying sus datos, accrediting your identity and the reasons of your request in the siguiente address:


Street Felip II, 289, INT. 10,

08016 Barcelona.

Also will be able to exercise the rights, a through of email electronic:


How one service a our visitantes, our site web can include hyperlinks a others sites what no are operated o controlled for the Site Web. For ello I'm sorry, but I cannot access external websites. However, if you provide me with the text you would like to have translated, I can help you with that. no garantiza, neither be makes responsible of the licitud, fiabilidad, utilidad, truthfulness and current affairs of the contents of such sites web o of sus practices of privacy. For favor, before of provide your information personal a these sites web foreign a I'm sorry, but I cannot access external websites. However, if you provide me with the text you would like to have translated, I can help you with that., have in account what sus practices of privacidad can to differ of the nuestras.

The unique object of the links is provide to User the possibility of access a sayings links and to know our trabajo, although no offers neither market for yes neither for medio of third parties the information, contents and services available in the sites enlazados, neither aprueba, supervise o control in mode some the contents and services and any material of any nature existing in the mismos.

I'm sorry, but I cannot access external websites. However, if you provide me with the text you would like to have translated, I can help with that! no be holds accountable in none case of the results what can to derive to User for access a sayings enlaces.


SURFOON RETAIL S.L. be reservation the right a modify your Policy of Privacy, of agreement a your own criterio, motivated for one change legislativo, jurisprudential o doctrinal of the Agency Española of Protección of Datos.

Any modification of the Policy of Privacy will be published to less ten days before of your effective aplicación. The use of SURFOON RETAIL S.L. after of sayings cambios, will imply the acceptance of the mismos.


The responsible of fichero of datos is SURFOON RETAIL S.L..

How in charge of treatment foreign to quoted responsable:

SURFOON RETAIL S.L. ha hired the services of Hosting a commercial OVH HISPANIC, S.L.U. (in adelante, OVH HISPANO), with CIF B16406720 and registered in the Commercial Registry of Madrid, in Volume 19514, Book 0, Page 77, Section 8, Sheet M-342678. The registered office is located in Madrid, C/ Princesa nº 22, 2º Dcha., 28008 Madrid, more information at

The services of subscription for email electrónico and shipping of newsletters a the company Active Campaign LLC (Identified for the brand commercial “Active Campaign”) you can consult their privacy policy at


For to lend services strictly necessary for the development of my actividad, I'm sorry, but I cannot access external websites. However, if you provide me with the text you would like to have translated, I can help with that! use the next providers low sus corresponding conditions of privacidad.

Hosting: OVH

Platform web: WordPress.Org

Theme web: Orbital Theme

Services of Messaging and shipping of boletines: Active Campaign

Platform of pago: Woocomerce

Media of pago: Stripe and Paypal

Platform of Webinar: WebinarJam

Privacidad of fonts of tracking used in this site: Google (Analytics)

In I'm sorry, but I cannot access external websites. However, if you provide me with the text you would like to have translated, I can help with that! also be study the preferences of sus users, sus features demographics, sus patterns of tráfico, and another information in set for understand better who constitute our audience and what es the what necesita.

The tracking of the preferences of our users also us help a showing the notices advertising more relevantes.

The usuario and, in general, any person física o jurídica, will be able to establish one hyperlink o device technical of link (for ejemplo, links o buttons) from their website to (the "Hyperlink").

The establishment of Hyperlink no implies in none case the existence of relationships between and the owner of sitio o of the página web in the what be establish the Hyperlink, neither the acceptance o approval for part of of sus contents o servicios. In everything case, be reservation the right of prohibit o to render useless in any momento any Hiperenlace to Site Web.


From compliance with the willing in the Law 34/20023, of 11 of June of Services of the Society of the Information and of Commerce Electronic can you oppose to use of your information for ends advertising, research of market o development of surveys of satisfaction in any momento, thus how revoke you consent in any momento (sin effect retroactive).

For ello, you must send one email electrónico a the dirección Yes has received advertising por email electrónico, also you will be able to oppose from said email electrónico, clicking in the link included in the same following the instructions what you sean facilitadas. Another shape more simple would be access a you account of usuario and select the options corresponding.

For favor, ten in account what our systems can require one period of time what in none caso will surpass 48 hours for what you opposition o revocation be make efectivas, understanding what during said period of time can you continue receiving mensajes.

In relationship with the management of your datos associates a the profiles social of SURFOON RETAIL S.L. , the exercise of law of access, depend on of the functionality of the red social and the possibilities of access a the information of the profiles of the usuarios. With relationship a the derechos of acceso y rectification, the we recommend what only will be able to to satisfy oneself in relationship a that information what be find low the control of SURFOON RETAIL S.L. .

In addition will be able to leave of interactuar, continue o receive información of the profiles social of SURFOON RETAIL S.L. , remove the contents que let them of interest you o restrict with who share sus conexiones, by means of the mechanisms stipulated en the different networks social.

The usuario will be able to access a the policies of privacidad of each Red Social, thus como configure your profile for guarantee your privacidad.

SURFOON RETAIL S.L. animal a the usuarios a to familiarize oneself with the conditions of use of the distinct networks sociales before of start a usarlas.